Update, 2024:
For all current information on Atriums in Saskatchewan, please go to the Canadian Catechesis of the Good Shepherd website.
The information on this website is no longer accurate.
Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd.
We are associated with the
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Association of Canada
What We Do

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is grounded in the belief that the child already has a relationship with God before s/he arrives in the atrium, but desires to understand more fully the nature of that relationship and to celebrate it. The Catechesis seeks to help the child’s relationship with God flourish by introducing and pondering with the child core mysteries of the faith in a way that is respectful of both the child at this phase of her/his development and the rich scriptural & liturgical heritage of our sacramental tradition. The adult plays a unique role in the Catechesis – as both the preparer & facilitator of the atrium space and a co-listener with the child before God.